Saturday 29 September 2012

Best Places to Purchase Green Coffee Bean Extract

For those who like caffeine in the morning in order to get energized, you can leave the carbonated beverages or tea alone and take green coffee extract because it gives you the energy you need for the day and it speeds up your metabolism for weight loss. If you want to prevent type 2 diabetes this extract reduces glucose and blood sugar in the body. Here are some of the best places to purchase green coffee extract.

Health Foods Store

The health foods store often sells medicinal products that are not usually associated with traditional medications you will find in the pharmacies. If you are unsure which brands to get, research the most popular brands of green coffee extract and look at what reviewers wrote about them.


Some drugstores carry green coffee extract and you are likely to find it on the same shelves as the vitamins and aspirins. You may be tempted to save money by purchasing the drugstore brand of extract but this is a product that you only want the highest quality. By the same token, some drugstore brands may be just as good as the well-known brands.

Online Retailers

There are millions of health-based online retailers that carry natural green coffee extract so it is important that you research the retailers carefully to ensure that they are not fraudulent or unethical practices. Before you make a purchase you want to look at the return and refund policy and you also want to make sure the green coffee extract has at least 50 to 200 milligrams of chlorogenic acids.

Community Health Fair

Sometimes you may find green coffee extract here because some of the vendors sell alternative health products. If you sign up for the vendors’ mailing list while purchasing the extract, you will get the latest news n their products.


Green coffee extract supplements your weight loss plan and the good thing about this is that you can buy the extract from various places in your area and online. When you get the extract you want to follow label instructions carefully and you should also buy more than one bottle so you will always have some on hand. If you are a coffee drinker you can put a few drops of extract in it, and you can also crush green coffee extract pills and use it in your tea.

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